4. protectiong competition as well as the environment

Modern economies have developed intricate arrangements and networks of relationships to produce the goods and services demanded by society. It is desirable that the behavior of organizations is as close as possible to a competitive market, that is, that all companies are on equal terms and that no buyer or seller is able to interfere alone in the market price. Or that even in oligopolistic markets, rivalry prevails between leading companies and the possibility of new players and innovation to offer alternatives to consumers.

The industrial organization or industrial economy is the area of ​​economics that addresses the relationships between companies and market structures, studying transaction costs, information limitation, barriers to entry and competitive behavior, as well as their effects on well-being.

Although they are essential factors in the analysis of industrial organization, the environment and natural resources often do not receive due attention, which ends up causing damage to competition and, therefore, to society as a whole.

references and bibliography

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