9. water and sanitation

Basic sanitation is one of the oldest environmental topics in the world. Since the foundation of the first cities, the concentration of people imposed the need to ensure that everyone had access to safe drinking water. Another challenge was to remove waste and put an end to it, preventing water and soil contamination and the spread of diseases.

However, despite being recognized as “basic”, sanitation is far from being a challenge overcome. Globally, 2.2 billion people do not have access to safe drinking water at home and 4.2 billion people do not have their sewage collected and treated; of these, 673 million still defecate in the open, without access to ditches or rudimentary toilets.

In Brazil, more than 15% of the population does not receive treated water in their homes. The sewage collection rate is only 53% and treatment is even lower. Only 46% of the generated sewage is properly treated. Finally, 38.5% of the water is lost in the distribution.

references and bibliography

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