6. Agriculture, Livestock farming, Forests and Land Use

Brazil is an agricultural power. We are convinced that it is possible to maintain this position and even strengthen it, taking advantage of the comparative advantages that the country has in the environmental area. Agricultural production directly corresponds to 5.2% of the Brazilian GDP, a percentage that increases to 21.4% of the total production of goods and services in the country when added to agricultural inputs and the agribusiness transformation industry.

This agricultural strength is directly reflected in the use of the country's natural resources. Brazil is the only country among the ten largest emitters of greenhouse gases whose emissions are dominated by agriculture (34%) and changes in land use (26%).

The sustainable use of land is, at the same time, the biggest challenge and the biggest opportunity for Brazil over the next decades. It will not be easy to adapt agricultural production to make a substantive contribution to meeting the global demand for food and providing innovative and sustainable industrial inputs, while eliminating deforestation and even recovering degraded biomes. Overcoming the difficulties and overcoming these challenges can place Brazil as the world leader of a new, more sustainable and rational economy, transforming it into a country with a dual power: agroenvironmental.

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